Every living being including the Universe has spinning vortices of energy called chakras. We have hundreds of chakras in and around us. But there are seven main intersecting currents of energy that reside in the body. They travel from the base of our spine to a few inches above our head. These wheels of energy assist in the running of our body, mind and soul. If a chakra is not performing correctly, it can affect our physical health, mental health and our spiritual self.

A chronic avoidance of certain energies produces a deficiently closed chakra. A chronic fixation results in an excessively open chakra. Chakra dysfunction at any level will create an imbalanced condition in the system, resulting in uncomfortable symptoms. Clearing these energy centers with crystals can help heal these symptoms by bringing the body back into balance. The following description provides more detail about the seven chakras, their Sanskrit names and corresponding crystals:


Muladhara, or (1st) Root Chakra

The Root chakra is located at the base of the spine. It relates to basic survival needs and our sense of belonging. When this chakra is clear, and energy flows through it freely, we feel secure and confident that we can easily fulfill our needs. On the other hand, a blockage in this area can cause lower back pain, depression, OCD, addiction, fatigue, anxiety, stress, and/or financial worry. 

The colors that resonate with the muladhara chakra are red and black. The corresponding element is earth. Crystals that balance the root chakra are black onyx, black obsidian, snowflake obsidian, shungite, red tiger’s eye, red jasper, hematite, carnelian, red garnet, smoky quartz, laguna lace agate, pietersite, red creek jasper, red dream agate, picasso jasper, rainforest agate and picture jasper. 

Mantra: "I am safe. I have everything I need. I live with ease.” 

Sit comfortably or stand with bare feet on the ground outside while holding a root chakra crystal to balance the muladhara energy center.

Svadhisthana, or (2nd) Sacral Chakra

The Sacral chakra resides in the reproductive area two inches below the navel. It's associated with creativity (birth or new aspects of ourselves, projects and ideas), playfulness and sensuality. It controls fluidity, versatility and freedom. When open and flowing, we have healthy sexual relations, strong desires, inspired creativity, abundant pleasure and the ability to flow with change. When this chakra becomes congested, we experience blocks in our creative powers, a sense of dryness or emptiness, chronic lower back or hip pain, arthritis, urinary problems, sexual blocks or severe menopause symptoms. We may feel blame, guilt, unstable emotions or fear a loss of control through addiction, betrayal, financial loss, sex, abandonment by partners or a personal identity crsis.

The color that resonates with the svadhisthana chakra is orange. The corresponding element is water. Crystals that bring the sacral chakra into alignment are sunstone, orange calcite, orange adventurine, carnelian, moonstone, coral, yellow jasper and crazy lace agate

Mantra: “I desire. I create with passion.” 

Submerge yourself in a body of water or take a warm bath while holding a sacral chakra crystal to balance the svadhisthana energy center.                                 

Manipura, or (3rd) Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus chakra is located at the base of the rib cage. It governs our will, confidence, self-esteem, sense of personal power, boundaries and code of honor. When energy flows freely through this center, we’re confident about our abilities and trust the process of life. When the third chakra is blocked we feel powerless, frustrated, untrusting, fearful, insecure, sensitive to criticism, anxiety about physical appearance or fear of rejection. Digestive problems are also associated with the solar plexus chakra, as well as arthritis, gastric ulcers, intestinal/stomach problems, acute indigestion, anorexia, bulimia, liver dysfunction or adrenal dysfunction.

The color that resonates with the manipura chakra is yellow. The corresponding element is fire. Crystals that balance the solar plexus are citrine, calcite, yellow topaz, yellow tiger’s eye, tiger eye, golden tiger eye, crazy lace agate, pietersite, bumblebee jasper, mookaite jasper and yellow leopard skin jasper

Mantra: “I have control over my life. I design my own destiny.” 

Meditate next to a candle flame, burning fireplace or camp fire while holding a solar plexus chakra crystal to balance the manipura energy center.                                    

Anahata, or (4th) Heart Chakra

The Heart chakra is located in the center of the chest. It relates to compassion and love. It is the true motivator of our body, mind and spirit. When this chakra is flowing and open, we feel deeply connected to everyone in our life and have the ability to heal ourselves and others. But when it’s obstructed we experience fear of intimacy, loneliness, possible jealousy, poor boundaries, anger, alienation, inability to forgive, self-centeredness, heartache or fear of betrayal. Shoulder pain is often associated with a blocked heart chakra, as is lung cancer, bronchial problems, asthma, breast cancer, heart failure and heart attack.

Colors that resonate with the anahata chakra are green and pink. The corresponding element is air. Crystals that balance the heart chakra are: rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, malachite, green adventurine, jade, green rutilated quartz, green tourmaline, pink tourmaline, rubellite, kunzite, turquoise, moss agate, pink opal, charoite, morganite, mangano calcite, green moonstone and rainforest agate.

Mantra: “I love myself and others deeply.” 

Meditate outside in the fresh air while holding a heart chakra crystal to balance the anahata energy center.

Vishuddha, or (5th) Throat Chakra

The Throat chakra is located in the throat area. It relates to communication, expression, and the ability to speak our truth. When our center of communication is clear, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about what others think. We can release our will to divine guidance, surrender to faith and trust the process of life. In contrast, with a congested fifth chakra, we feel anxious about how other people will react to our views and are likely to censor ourselves. We have trouble following our dreams and may have issues with addiction, judgment, criticism, faith, knowledge and the capacity to make decisions. A chronic sore throat, mouth or gum ulcers, raspy throat or thyroid problems are indicative of a blocked throat chakra.

The color that resonates with the vishuddha chakra is light blue. The corresponding element is the sky. Crystals that bring this chakra into balance are sodalite, amazonite, celestite, blue lace agate, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, apatite, turquoise and labradorite.

Mantra: “I freely speak my truth.” 

Meditate outside under a bright blue sky while holding a throat chakra crystal to balance the vishuddha energy center.                                        

Ajna, or (6th) Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye chakra is located on the forehead between the eyes. It’s the center of insight and emotional intelligence where we integrate all the information and intuition in our life. When it's open and clear we feel deeply connected to our inner wisdom and trust that it guides us in our choices. We are open to the ideas of others and can learn from their experiences. When energy isn’t flowing easily through this chakra, we feel depression and a sense of self-doubt, inadequacy and distrust. Seizures, learning disabilities, spinal problems, deafness, blindness, neurological disturbances, nerve disorders, earaches, tinnitus, pineal gland disfunction, brain tumors and stroke are indicative of a third chakra imbalance.

The color that resonates with the ajna chakra is indigo blue. The corresponding element is light. Crystals that bring the third eye chakra into alignment are blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, turquoise, flourite, azurite, pietersite, silver sheen obsidian, amethyst and labradorite

Mantra: "I listen to my inner guidance.” 

Visualize a bright light entering the forehead between the eyes while holding a third eye chakra crystal to balance the ajna energy center.                            

Sahaswara, or (7th) Crown Chakra

The Crown chakra resides at the top of the head. It connects us to higher consciousness and Divine wisdom. It is the focus of our insight, visions, psychic awareness, clairvoyance and ability to sense subtle energy fields. When energy is flowing through the crown chakra we trust life and have strong values, ethics, courage, humanitarianism, selflessness, the ability to see the larger pattern, faith, inspiration, spirituality and devotion. When energy isn't flowing through the crown chakra properly we have difficulty sleeping, ridged beliefs, headaches, worry, cognitive problems and a feeling of being disconnected from the body. Energetic disorders, spiritual depression, chronic exhaustion (not linked to a physical disorder), skin problems, disorganized thoughts and/or extreme sensitivity to light and sound are also indicative of a crown chakra imbalace.

The colors that resonate with the sahaswara chakra are violet-purple and white. The element that connects to the crown is thought / universal consciousness / enlightenment. Crystals that bring this chakra into alignment are moonstone, amethyst, howlite, magnesite, charoite, flourite, selenite, clear quartz and purple tourmaline

Mantra: “I am connected to all that IS.” 

Visualize a stream of Source (heavenly) energy entering the crown at the top of the head filling the whole body with glowing white light while holding a crown chakra crystal to balance the sahaswara energy center.

**Chakra descriptions sited in part by Dr. Theda Floyd.

**Crystal healing and other types of energy/vibrational therapies are not to be considered as a substitute for traditional medical care. They are often used in conjunction. Any information that may be found on Sacred Health jewelry's website is not intended to be used as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. While crystals have been used historically to relieve symptoms, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes. Individual results will vary.

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